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Silentnight Beds Silentnight Miracoil Latex Anti-Slip Mattress

Silentnights popular Miracoil™ range combines comfort and support to create a range of high
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Silentnight Beds Silentnight Miracoil Latex Anti-Slip Mattress
Silentnights popular Miracoil™ range combines comfort and support to create a range of high quality, yet affordable beds and mattresses. The Miracoil Latex Anti-Slip mattress has been designed using Silentnight’s unique Miracoil™ spring system and features high loft quilting and soft damask cover. Its continuous spring system runs from the head to the foot of the bed and uses extra springs, concentrated in the centre third of the mattress, to create a supportive Posture Zone just where the body needs it most, guaranteeing comfortable support during sleep. Latex is a premium quality material known for its distinctive resilient feel and durability. This mattress has a layer of natural latex for a comfortably supported night’s sleep. With no need to turn, the Miracoil Latex mattress is bound to be a sound investment. Add to this an innovative anti-slip base and you can make sure that you literally never get out of bed on the wrong side again!! Sizes:Single: W90cm x D190cm x H27cm Double: W135cm x D190cm

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