Programming in Visual Basic .NET – Fundamentals |
| Approx. 3 hours of training | Find samples projects & create a new project | Specify the location for the project | Label controls | Creating objects in code | Programming in Visual Basic .NET - Migrating | | Approx. 3 hours of training | Constants old and new | Constants good and bad | Creating variables | Proper variable names | Programming in Visual Basic .NET – XML | | | Approx. 3 hours of training | XML is self-describing | XML is a Meta-Markup language | An open standard | XML file format | Programming in Visual Basic.NET – ADO | | | Approx. 4 hours of training | Building the query | Adding a data grid | Adding code to the page | Programming in ASP.NET | | | Approx. 2 hours of training | The difference between ASP, ASP.NET and VB.NET | Understanding Web forms | Working with controls | Using HTML controls | Learning about ASP.NET |