For 71% of your adult life until the age of 65 you have to go to work. Thats a lot of work!!! |
| Thankfully we have a suitable - nay ingenious - remedy for this near disastrous state of affairs. The Procrastinator. | | This little desktop aid is the perfect solution to those moments at work when your mind starts to wander and you enter the state of Zombification!!! | | It comes enclosed in a plastic portable case with sliding lid which is easy to hide from your boss or to pass off as a trendy calculator and contains a pencil and an activity pad. | | Nothing too ingenious there then you may think. Au contraire! | | The Procrastinator contains 1000's of mindless activities on 100's of tear off sheets for you and your work mates to complete whilst your bosses back is turned. | | Priceless gems ranging from sociological debates such as "A finger of fudge is just enough" - discuss, through to statements such as "There was an almighty fracas at a society wedding today when the best man was found..." are presented with enough space to add your suitable comment, answer or recommendation. | | These great topics of debate go on and on are complemented by a plethora of great pen and paper activities including drawings, doodling, 'sods laws', and your top 5 today lists. | | So go, design the perfect tie, decide who requires the biggest slap in the office and generally waste as much time as possible with this great gift. | | Dimensions | | 16.5cms | 11.5cms |